Friday, December 11, 2009

Don't you just hate doing SEO? 3 things to do now to slap SEO in the face! (with the help of this SEO Software)

Argh, if you are anything like me, trying to make a living with internet marketing, you HAVE to agree with me on this.

Search. Engine. Optimization. Sucks!

What else can be more boring than SEO?

Fine, maybe that biology lesson back in school was worst.

Don't even talk about history lesson..

But hey! They had interesting things..!


But SEO..oh boy.

Boring, boring, boring.

Always the same old, same old.

I'm sick of it.

And hence, I told myself I NEED to devise a plan to not only make myself feel better..

..but to sustain my online business in the long run.

I spent countless nights (okay okay, just 1 night) devising the perfect action plan to slap SEO in the face!

And they are..

Step 1)
Join SEO enthuiast in several forums (SEO or internet marketing or *shudders*, Black Hatters!), and try to pick up as much free information as possible.

You want to really understand what the heck you are going through And the community of people are similar to you, going through the same frustrations as you.

Only by understanding the complexities of SEO can you conquer it.

Step 2)
Devise your own SEO strategy.

With what you learn, the next thing to do is to devise your masterplan.

The ultimate SEO blueprint.

The blueprint to crazy riches! Muahhaha!


In all seriousness, you don't enter a battle with a good plan.

And different objectives and aims call for different no 2 plans are exactly the same.

But still, having a plan is better than no plan.

So write out your SEO plan now!


Step 3)
Invest in SEO tools.

SEO tools can come in the form of SEO software, or simple plug ins that help optimize your site.

SEO tools and SEO software are powerful and has many applications that basically frees up your time doing SEO..

and potentially free you from your SEO work forever.

BUT you have to follow a SEO plan!

Using SEO tools without a plan is a deadly combination to lose your hard earn money fast.

Don't repeat the same mistakes as I did..! (Painful money..)

Devise a strategy first!

THEN, with your strategy, invest in the right SEO tools.

One such tool that I know of is SEOmated SEO Software.

You can check it out here: SEOmated SEO Software

If there is one thing that you should invest in - it's a powerful SEO tool.

Free up your PRECIOUS time doing SEO to write interesting, unique and useful CONTENT!

Again, one such SEO tool is the SEOmated SEO Software.

You can follow it's developments here: SEOmated SEO Tool

And with that, I hope you do learn something from reading this!

If you did, great job fella! You just started on Step 1 of this guide.

2 more steps to go..

..till you reach step 3 and join me with SEOmated SEO Software. :)

Jeff Lam

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